The People’s Official Observer Newspaper
— (350mm x 500mm)
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Illustrator
the brief
Develop, design, and print a concept for an eight page broadsheet newspaper.
the insight
Before the creation of smart phones, print was the primary reading material found in bathrooms worldwide. For the pooping aficionado, nothing compares to the old-fashioned joy of flipping through the crisp physical pages of a newspaper while spending quality alone time on the toilet.
the concept
Introducing, The People’s Official Observer (or “The P.O.O.” for short). 💩
A newspaper for restroom revivalists, toilet traditionalists, and pooping purists.
Designed to hide in plane sight The P.O.O. is filled to the (toilet) brim with subtle design easter eggs, shameless potty humor, and articles about the wide wonderful world of excrement.